Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Paradigm Shift!

Have gone ill for almost a week and though pc is an arms' reach, can't even think or make way to settle for anything but rest, quality time for my kiddo, eat outside to survive for the remaining 4 days' inhouse.... Flu has found me!

I'm just thankful that my son has a strong immune system, of course with daily sustainance of his vitamins, i've finally decided to take a lonngg (not long enough to enjoy the emptiness of being stuckup inside the room, unless it's time to go outside to take our meals) vacation from work.

At times like this, it makes me realized that the most important source of our strength must not be taken for granted..that is, our own being. Self contentment is when our body and mind both agree to one definition of contentment.....being happy and joyful.

When we stopped or halt for a moment at a time we don't expect or schedule for it to happen, it is high time for a self assessment. How well you need to overcome life's test and how else are your dreams that have gone out for sometime, timelines and more on family issues that need to be settled for future increases, we ended up .....always, asking ourselves- in my case-is sickness a way to figure out all these things or is it His way of answering me?

Snuggling in bed for the answers kept me from smiling and telling myself, what I have become and what I will be existed because of my choices. Hardly to accept, but oftentimes, being sick is congruent to being emotionally unstable...that's the initial symptons, albeit i have to understand now that time is not an excuse.

It is my own self that carries the force towards a possible blessings from the higher one to conquer what my mind can concieved at its best. And it has proven to be correct, in my case.

If almost everything is ok, meaning, things and personals go well around us, it is the SELF that wants the utmost attention, the inner self who's trying to find ways to be the perfect her/him design by the creator at its best! The only thing that hinders to make it happen is because of this.....and i think i will end up with this passage....a relative insight from our pastor's preaching...

"We are God's anointed one......(and i need not feel frustrated with how the way things are going on for things are already done way back before I was conceived) is not just my appointed time, WAIT for your time!

Surely, as i heard these .....long before it was preached by Sis Edna, i was convinced that it's high time for a Paradigm Shift!

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