Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Back again for blog!

I'm glad that Im back!

It's been a tough week for me this last weeks, this is because of the (down) internet issue of mine back at home and the billing that ballooned because I have no way to free myself that would be beneficial and fair enough for me, to handle the liabilities of this local telco company.

You see, back then, I was a very eager, so excited customer of this telco company who first introduce this wireless landline with an internet connection at Php699/month fixed fee. You only have to choose from among their 2 plans: Plan0-hourly based rate, and Plan something (i forgot the exact amount) that still cost you almost a little over the cost of the first. I choose the first, since my need and concern is for me to have a wireless access of the internet anytime.

For the first month, i was still excited with my phone and the internet which i prefer to use during wee hours every other day during weekdays, since i need to go at my regular office during day time and attend some meetings for my other business transactions on weekends, not to include our sunday service,thus allow me limited time to observe the telco service at its best at the peak of my needs.

Come pay time, billing statement was delivered delayed. It was on my fourth month of using their service when i began ranting and calling their hotline service number for help and complaints.Onething is sure, never did I remember receiving a regular billing statement, but instead always a disconnection notice wherein i found out after a thorough study of billing cut-offs,that i dont get a full 30-days service for my fixed rate of P699/month since cutoff was made every 15th of the month, add another 15 days for the delay of billing, plus their 5days-so called billing preparation...and Ola! A dilemma and emotional distress on my part.

Keeping my account (my name of course) clear from this trouble-since i was in an impression of being a delinquent service user-for which i dont want to be called for-and caught at a tragic balloon of expenses which i used to expect at about Php699+around 500 (still expensive-since i still incur a prepaid cp cost of P1K+/month) a month only is not an easy job to handle. First, i need to overcome the emotional pangs this telco has done to me!'s also an effort to be angry and distressed.

What do I mean with this? Well, im keen on gadgets and new technology that fits with my budget, but i go for comfort and needs. Beware then of this budding situations,otherwise, at the onset of the usage- aftersales force of the concerned company must be advised accordingly- anyway,the customer service of this telco is so hard to contact.How I wish that the management would upgrade the quality of their service.

In short, this telco - although im not very familiar with the other- must give their clients a well managed after sales support- especially come payment or billing cutoff. It was a terrifying experience that if you are not used to having debts, getting landline messages including calls to remind you of your obligations - you'll be troubled and irritated all day long.

Anyways, I decided that once i finished the contract (lock for 1yr) this October, i'll terminate their service and find a better, or should i say a fair telco that suits my requirements.

By the way, for internet services, this wireless unit often connects thru the unit metering its way up for a big/expensive cost without connecting on the user interface....i found out this instance many times and i finally understand that its not a service offense but a technical offense! Probably another way to raise their sale?Huh!...Tsk..Tsk...users will finally found this when the time come! I hope soon.

Guess What's the telco name?

It's for the people they say......hahaha, guessed it already?!

Good luck!

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